Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day 11 with alpacas: No spit, and my pants are whistling at me

Day 11:
This morning about 9:00 a.m., I am alone at one end of a pasture, raking up alpaca poo, when I hear a man whistling and calling my name, like he's trying to get my attention.  There is nobody within sight, and the only male is my boss Chad. Chad is out working on fences, and I can see his truck WAY out there. There is no reason for Chad to be whistling and calling my name. So there I am, alone in the field, with my hand over my eyes, turning around and around in circles, trying to figure out who is calling me. After a few minutes I figure it's someone calling someone else, and it just sounds like my name. I go back to raking poo and ignore it.

Then a little later, when we're pulling into another pen, I hear the same whistling and calling. This time it really sounds like it's coming from my PANTS. I fumble in my pocket and pull out my cell phone, where my Dad is on speakerphone (and I am too confused to figure out how to get it off of speakerphone). It seems my phone called him twice, and he had been trying to get my attention. I was very confused as to how this could happen. It wasn't until after our break and some coffee I realized I had put my camera in the same pocket.  It must have hit one of those buttons on the side of the phone and called the last number dialed. Outsmarting me once again.

Yep, not spit on yet. Just a matter of time, though. I'm busy enough trying to figure out why my pants are whistling at me.


  1. OK, that one actually made me laugh out loud (which is really very rare). Got to keep those pants quiet when you are trying to work!

  2. Thanks... I am laughing so hard right now. I would say "only you, Lynn," but I have actually done something like this, too!

  3. HAHAHA Oh Lynn, I'm laughing so hard I am crying. I love you!
