The floor layout is in a square, around a central courtyard on the main floor.
There seem to be 26 rooms total.
Rooms per side are:
8 rooms
7 rooms
9 rooms
13 rooms
This is the hallway where my room is.
There is one women's restroom, one unisex bathroom (with a tub), one men's restroom, one women's shower room (two showers), and one room with 2 bathtubs (currently out of order and used as bicycle storage.
Unisex Bathroom. Very pink.
One laundry room with pay washers/dryers and an ice machine.
One lounge area, with tv and AC window unit.
One shared kitchen with the following: microwave, stove with crooked burners, rice cooker, crock pot, waffle iron, and a few sandwich presses. No dishwasher, no coffee pot. :(
There is a housekeeper who works 7-3:30, and apparently will wash my towels and sheets if I leave them outside my door. Supposedly there is a floor manager in the same office. I have met neither, since I am not here during those hours.
The best that I can tell, this floor houses long term visitors and employees who need seasonal housing. I have met only one person, the softball coach. He is older, and has what looks to be an apartment suite in the corner. I have heard the door opening across the hall from me, but have not met that person. I exchanged 'head nods' with a guy from down the hall while he was doing his laundry last Friday.
It is rathe eerie, but not at all scary.
It sounds so . . . quiet. Ahhh, quiet.