Sunday, May 2, 2010

Alpacas are like cats

They do not like to be caught, and want to approach you on THEIR terms. Most of them are not really interested in humans, except for when it is feeding time. There are a few exceptions. There is one female who actually LIKES people, and will come lean on you and let you pet her. She also does not want you to leave the pen, and will block the gate with her body.

There are some 'brown' ones (which I think of as redheads), who all come from the same mother and really get in my face. Literally. They want to sniff me, and sometimes try to take my hat. The male, in particular, will walk up to me while I'm raking, or filling water, and stick his face right in mine and sniff and snort. This freaked me out the first time, but I'm getting used to it.

This one in particular....

Really wants to know....

What is going on? 

No, seriously........what are you doing with that metal thing?


  1. I think you should start a "when will Lynn get spit" pool. I'm taking Tuesday the 4th at 10:17am.


  2. I want their hairdo. Oh wait, I already have it.
