Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 6 with alpacas: not spit on!

April 21, 2010

Highlights of today:

1. Led smallest/youngest cria (baby alpaca) on a walk to visit the older 'boys'. There are 4 young male alpacas which will be transitioning out of the pen with the mothers, and into the pen with the other male alpacas. The one I led, Pere, was very worried about this walk, and 'hummed' the whole way. It sounds like a sort of worried moaning, this 'humming'. He was quite happy to be back in the pen with his mother.

2. Learned how to drive the Kubota! Look out, farm, here I come!

3. Put my first harness/muzzle on an alpaca! Wahoo!

I have also had the reassurances of many here that being physically exhausted at 3:00 is common, regardless of age. Shifting from a sedentary life to physical labor is rough, but it is exactly what I needed!