Alternately Titled: Grumpy, overheated Lynn
I apologize in advance for the lack of funny story here. :) Perhaps someone will spit on me tomorrow....
Well folks, the reality of this grand adventure is that it is
hot out here now. It's been in the high 80's during the day, with some ridiculous amount of humidity. I have had a number of days where sweat is just pouring off me at 10:00 a.m. One day it was pouring off me at 8:10. That was a hard day.
Reality: there is
no air conditioning on floors 3 & 4 of Guerin Hall.
Some of the rooms seem to have window a/c units, but mine does not. There was some vague discussion of possibly being able to get a/c units for the interns, but that is not to be. According to the person in charge of these rooms at the college "students don't get those window units". Huh.
Well I'm not a student, but I guess I'm not faculty, so I don't count. (neither does the other intern here).
She then told me something about the window units overloading the electric system and how she would send a maintenance man to investigate if this room could even handle it.
That was three days ago (or four) and I have not heard anything. I will not hear anything, I figure.
I find this all very fascinating, and yet really annoying. And hot. (and not the sexy kind of 'hot')
Am contemplating sleeping in the lounge area, where there IS a window unit. Or maybe testing all the doors to find one that is open, with a window unit. I do not think I'm ready to sleep in the alpaca barn yet, although it is much cooler there than here. Each barn has at least two fans.
However, it is WAY WAY stinkier. A lot stinkier.
I truly hope I am not permanently smelling of alpaca poo. This is why I cannot sleep in the barn.
I have 40 days left. I have technically been here more than 40 days. I have only put numbers on the days I've worked.
So. I am trying to view this as 'advanced' camping, or prep for international living. I have become so spoiled by air conditioning. We are a spoiled nation; weak and soft.
One could also view this as prep for when the power grids fail and/or that giant oil slick in the Gulf lights on fire. I seriously hope that never happens. If the grids go, I won't even have the electric fans the housekeepers gave me! Egads!
Why can't I have prep time for when I am rich, and a nice sexy man is bringing me dinner on the patio?
Oh well. Gonna go find some more ice. Poo patrol at 8:00 a.m.